My Dear Killer sings Francesco DeGregori's
L'Uccisione di Babbo Natale
Merry Xmas 2006. |

Written by Francesco DeGregori, Originaly Published in Buffalo Bill.
Rercorded by My Dear Killer as an Under My Bed Xmas Present on the
22nd of December 2006, at 67 The Burroughs, Downstairs, Nursery,
North London, U.K. by a Tascam 788 Portastudio 8-track recorder.
Free download.
DeGregori surged to popularity in the early seventies with a string of
remarkably high quality singles, with respect to the general national broadcasting
standard of self-defined " national popular hits". For what my opinion's worth,
I still consider one of those, Rimmel, as one of the
most delicate and poignant love songs composed by an Italian singer-songwriter (and even in more general).
The album Buffalo Bill included a host of interesting tracks, in primis the one
from which the album took its name, and the Dylanesque, "L'uccisione di Babbo Natale"
(Father Christmas' Assassination), which it's covered here and delivers a subtle
criticism to the at the time mainstream, flower-power-love&peace stereotype. Ironically,
the author ended up being associated with similar stereotypes, notably the champagne socialists/
rococos' communist of these days. I hope you enjoy this version.
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