Cynical Quietness
part of the Split serie
Cinque Pezzi Facili
Volume 3: My Dear Killer/Tettu Mortu
The Rules Behind
If I, If You, If We
1 - Waves
2 - The Rules Behind
3 - Reasons
4 - If I, If You, If We
5 - Just
Techical Notes: Written and peformed by My Dear Killer, Guitar, voice, noises and tapes for the third volume of the split EP series
"Cinque Pezzi Facili", shared with Tettu Mortu. Original recording taken on 6 October 2011
in Vergiate (Va), The Lakes' land, Italy. Field recordings taken in Hyndland Park and the Botanical Gardens, Glasgow, Scotland,
U.K. in 2009-2010 and in Milan during September-November of 2011. Mixed and mastered by MdK at MafarKa BoX.
Other Notes: Cynical Quietness, basically, is a reinterpretation of songs which appeared in the early work on tape cassette,
and which were left abandoned in one of the many drawers (with the exception of The Rules Behind, that appeared in a same-titled
split EP with alternative interpretation by The Frozen Fracture and My Shell) for about a decade. Most of these came from Tea Cup Session,
and were
sketched at the same time as the Clinical Shyness material. However, the arrangements are drastically different: this is essentially
an acoustic record in which the arrangement based on a dense mesh of drowns and feedback which sort of characterised Clinical Shyness,
have been substituted by field recordings, mainly of the Scottish winter. Thus this rather brief (less than fifteen minutes) EP shows,
apparently, a different side of the MdK project. Although at surface much quieter yet-timid-but-cynical passage by the depth of incommunicability. The record is accompanied by five instrumental pieces by
Tettu Mortu,
entitled collectively as Bounce. These include improvisation and deconstructive noise, field recordings and combination of the
these elements. It was printed in 75 copies only, and it is available from Under My Bed recordings. The full acoustic version of Cynical
Quietness (without ambient sample) can be here downloaded.
Hope you will enjoy it.
Acoustic Version
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