My Bloody Valentine Special PlayList |
we played: Stefano Vs Broken Hearted Songs: My Bloody Valentine [When You Sleep] - Palace [Will You Miss Me When I Burn] - Low [Violence] - Luigi Tenco [Un Giorno dopo l'altro]- Sophia [If Only] - The Explosion in the Sky [First Breath After Coma] - Nick Drake [Place To Be] - Belle and Sebastian [Fox in the Snow] - Shellac [A Prayer To God] - Sebadoh [Everybody Has Been Burned] - Slint [Washer] - Death Cab for Cuties [The New Year] - Lorca [Favourite Lost Valentine] - Buffalo Tom [Larry]- Fabrizio DeAndre' [Amore Che Vieni] - Mogwai [Mogwai Fear Satan] - McLusky [To Hell with Good Intentions]- The Smiths [There is a Light That Never Goes Out] - The God Machine [In Bed Dreams] - My Bloody valentine [Soon]- |
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Dave: Tuesady Weld [are you the boy] - Jonathan Fire Eater [Search For Cherry Red] - The Ronettes [Be My Baby] - Marlene Shaw [California Soul]- The Supremes [Stoned Love] - Belle and Sebastian [Dog on Wheels] - Serge Geinsburg [J'taime] - Kraftwerk [The Model] - White Stripes [Fell in Love] Sam + Paul: {to be comunicatd soon} Fabio: Franz Ferdinand [Take me Out] - Primal Screem [Movin'on up] - Nick Drake [Heazy Jane #2] {request !} - White Stepes [Seven nation army]- Rapture [Olio] - Belle and Sebastian [Me and the Major] {request !} - Franz Ferdinand [Cheating on You] - Kraftwerk [The Model] - White Stripes [Fell in Love] Rachel + Andy: Dinosaur Jr. [Freakscene]- The Pixies [Tame] - My Bloody Valentine [You Made me Realise]- The Smiths [Bigmouth Strikes Again] - Cure [Just Like Heaven]- Rapture [House of Jealous Lovers] - Breeders [Huffer] - Le tigre [Hot Topic] - Magazine [Shot by Both Sides] - Ramones [Sheena is a Punk Rocker]- Jon Spencer Blues Explosion [2 Kindsa Love]- Sonic Youth [Teenage Riot] |
Stefano:Buffalo Tom [Racheal]- McLusky [Witheliberalonwhiteliberalaction]- Brainiac [Radio Apeshot]- Sabadoh [It's So Hard To Fall in Love] - Husker Du [Is Not Funny Anymore] - Sonic Youth [Kool Things] - Fugazi [Waiting Room]- Le Tigre [Deceptacon] - Belle and Sebastian [Sleep the Clock Around]- McLusky [To Hell with Good Intention] {bis, request !}- Belle and Sebastian [Lazy Lane Painter Jane] {request !}- | |
Tigermilking: [main page] - [photo] |